Who We Are

Our Mission

At Sound of Survivors, our mission is to empower victims of violent crime to reclaim who they are. We achieve this through two vital approaches. Firstly, we spark conversations that fuel societal transformation, fostering awareness and understanding to drive meaningful change. Secondly, we provide kits designed to help survivors reconnect with their inner strength and identity, allowing them to rediscover a sense of normalcy and joy. Through these initiatives, we strive to create a supportive and empowering community where survivors can flourish and reclaim their lives.

Our Origin Story

In March 2023, Lexi Weinbaum bravely shared her story of overcoming significant abuse on TikTok. Struggling to feel human after her traumatic experiences, she never anticipated the overwhelming response her story would receive. It sparked a community of fellow victims turned survivors, all eager to share their experiences and find solidarity in their journey towards healing. Witnessing the powerful impact of these shared narratives, Lexi felt compelled to create a permanent space for these crucial conversations to flourish.

This marked the birth of Sound of Survivors, a platform dedicated to fostering ongoing discussions among survivors and providing essential resources to aid in their healing process. With a vision of helping others reclaim their sense of self and humanity, Sound of Survivors continues to serve as a beacon of hope and empowerment for countless individuals navigating the aftermath of trauma.

About Our Founder:

Lexi Weinbaum is an advocate, speaker, writer, and multi-sport athlete. Lexi's journey from a victim of unspeakable abuse to a thriving force of inspiration has resonated deeply with countless individuals.
Her harrowing tale, which gained global attention in 2023, sheds light on the horrors of child abuse and the enduring strength of the human spirit. Having graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from Sacred Heart University, Lexi leverages her academic background and personal ordeals to champion the cause of survivors.

Through her advocacy work, Lexi empowers survivors to reclaim their narratives, offering them support as they navigate the path towards healing. Her impactful public speaking engagements have provided a platform for her to share her story, shining a light on issues often shrouded in silence.

Lexi Weinbaum continues to inspire countless individuals, serving as a guiding light for survivors worldwide. Through her unwavering dedication and unyielding determination, she epitomizes the transformative power of resilience and the profound impact of reclaiming one's voice in the pursuit of justice and healing.

Follow Lexi & SOS here!